Did you know that your everyday purchases can help support the OG mission?


Support Orchard Grove through AmazonSmile and Orchard Grove will receive .5% of all your purchases without you doing anything extra. Just follow these easy steps:

1.      Go to smile.amazon.com

a.      If you already have an amazon.com account, simply sign in

b.      If you are new to amazon.com, you will create an account

2.      Once you’ve logged in, you will be asked to select a charity

a.      Simply search Orchard Grove Community Church and select us from the menu

3.      Now, you’re good to go. Just make sure that when you shop at amazon.com, you go to smile.amazon.

For more info on Amazon Smile, read their FAQ’s

Benefit Mobile App

Benefit Mobile partners with businesses to donate as much as 20% of your purchase price back to OG.


How it works: